Healthy Thursday

I remember reading that one of the steps in the AA successful program is: “Bring your body along and your mind will follow.” I love that and it has always stuck with me. What this means to me is that I have to take a step when I don’t want to. It means physically pushing beyond my own weak self to do a thing, and eventually my mind catches up and is in agreement. It is basically “fake it till you make it” mentality. And it works.

When I saw the above sign it resonated with me. We are so spurred by movies and books and TV commercials to be passionate, walk the lone road, follow our hearts. But, oh, how disastrous life would be if we simply followed our hearts and left our brains behind.

If I followed my heart only, I would go buy a pony and a baby goat and maybe a baby panda. I would gorge on Oreos, dipped in peanut butter. I would always order fries with extra salt, covered with chili and cheese instead of a side salad. I would shop at Prada and Saks and Chloe. I would move to Positano and eat too much pasta and bread and perhaps drink too much wine. I possibly would also not be married.

I am all about passion and not living a life of desperation (earlier post). Every day I try to be thankful for that day and realize it is a gift to treasure and live it fully. However, my brain is my best friend. My brain is my protection. I could have a restless heart without it.

The truth is, I do not WANT to do any of the things listed above. In a moment, my heart may say ‘yes’. But then my brain kicks in and tells me those things will only lead to trouble. Those things will only lead to heart break, not heart fulfillment. Our brains desire to keep us in a happy place.

The thought on this Healthy Thursday is to remember to bring your brain along. Keeping our brains engaged with our hearts is a sure fire way to increase our overall health. If you will allow it, your brain will act as a sentinel; standing by, always on alert, full of wisdom and love, guarding your passionate heart.


Author: Rebecca Hendrixson

Hello, I'm Rebecca. I am a wife and mother and freelance writer. I love to share honest thoughts, anecdotes, incidents and encouragement. I am documenting my one year of being 60 years old. Join me on the journey. And please leave comments or send me an email. I will respond. We are all in this together. Come be my comrade.

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